Sunday, June 10, 2018

Well hello!

Today,  "Katie's View," has an announcement to make:

Starting now, until the end of June, I am offering a percentage of every book I sell, to go to the Lucky Fin Project. Here's what's what...

For several years, the LFP has been coordinating and organizing a big summer picnic. People from all over the country try to make it to Detroit in July, for the big 'meet-up.' Families mark their calendars for the event, while the snow still flies. Kids with limb differences (and adults, too) get so excited to see their friends from past years, and of course, to make new ones.The support, networking, and friendship-making that happens during a weekend like this, is indescribable, and very precious.

Sometimes it can be difficult for a family to find the finances, and just can't attend. So what I'm offering is this...

I now have three books that I've written. "Five Fingers, Ten Toes...," is the story of my son, Tony Memmel, who was born with a limb difference. He's done quite well in life; if I'd only known when he was an infant, I could have saved myself so much worry. But with God's help and guidance, we've all come out on a very, very bright side. "Silly Stories and Sentimental Stuff," is an easy read. It includes short essays and stories (some silly, some sad) about love, family, and life in general. "From This Day Forward..." is my brand new book. It's based on interviews with people about their real-life love stories and marriages. Early reviews are coming in as very positive! I promise to contribute a portion of each sale this month, and help to ensure someone be able to get to that picnic. 

If you've been hemming and hawing, and just haven't gotten around to picking up one of my books  yet, this deal may sound very appealing to you. As always, all of the books will be available through Amazon (links are also on my website) as both a paperback, and an electronic version. I will count each sale toward this promotion. OR... we can arrange a personal exchange. Private message me, and we can figure all of that out.

Let's see what we can do. The way I see it, it's a win/win. You get to read a new book, while still supporting the Lucky Fin Project, a fantastic purpose.

As always, thanks for reading! 

God's Blessings!

Katie Kolberg Memmel - "Katie's View" on Facebook
Katie Kolberg Memmel - Twitter

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Katie Kolberg Memmel is the author of three books: "Five Fingers, Ten Toes - A Mother's Story of Raising a Child Born with a Limb Difference," "Silly Stories and Sentimental Stuff," and "From This Day Forward..." For more information about Katie and her books, visit her website at