Sunday, March 24, 2019

Introducing (drum roll, please) Theo (and some other good stuff, too)


Here we are, post-holidays 2018, and already several months into 2019. When I sat down to write this blog post, I realized it’s been half-a-year since my last installment. Perhaps that gives you an idea of the kind of fall, winter, and (now) spring we’ve had.

I received a new calendar for Christmas, so in early January I sat down to transfer all of our family’s information – birthdays, anniversaries, highlights, etc. - to our new one. It was fun for me to look back through the past year, and remember some of the fun times we shared. I thought, why not share them on the blog, too?

For those of you who are connected to me via Facebook, you know that our family has a new addition. Tony (our son) and his wife (Lesleigh) found out last spring that they were expecting a baby. They could not have been happier or more excited. Throughout the entire pregnancy they avoided finding out the baby’s sex. They are (possibly) some of the last people on the planet who don’t wish to know this type of information, preferring to leave final verdicts as surprises.

In September, on one of Tony and Lesleigh’s trips back to Wisconsin, Lesleigh’s mom, sister, and I threw them a nice baby shower. Because we only had the one day to celebrate, both families, plus friends, all came together for one big party to celebrate “Baby M”, and shower Tony and Les with onesies and sleepers and diapers and strollers and… well, you name it. It was a special day, indeed.

Since none of us knew the day, time, sex, or potential name of the baby, it became a pretty exciting time for all of us. Every day, Todd and I would shrug and say, “Who knows… maybe it’ll be today…?”  In early November, Lesleigh gave birth to their SON. They named him Theodore Anthony Memmel; “Theo” for short. He weighed in at 8 lbs, 9 oz, and measured 20.5 inches long. All went well, and they could not be happier parents.

Joe, our son-in-law, needed to travel for work. We asked Megan if she and the kids would like to visit us during that time, so... ironically, Megan and her kids happened to be in Wisconsin when Lesleigh gave birth. It was so nice that we could all be "together," even though we weren't really all together. Tony and Lesleigh were in town when Megan gave birth to Jake, too. It was kind of a special time for us all, especially since they're all Godparents to each other's oldest children now.  

Lesleigh’s mom and dad were the first to visit/help the kids. Todd’s and my visit overlapped with theirs by a couple of days, so we all ended up celebrating Thanksgiving Day together. Lesleigh’s dad made a turkey feast, and we all “cheers-ed” (is that a word?), agreeing that our families had many blessings, and so much to be thankful for. 

Theo has been wide-eyed from the very beginning – very “alert.” He seems soulful, as though he often has much on his mind. Since he can’t yet talk, I guess we’ll have to wait and see if I’m right about that. In the meantime, he certainly has won all of our hearts.

Todd and I stayed for the weekend and helped the kids decorate for Christmas, but left early on Sunday morning to make the nine-hour trek back to Wisconsin. We had a lot to do! As some of you may recall, Annie Grace, our granddaughter, was born at the end of July. Our children spoke and decided to celebrate a double baptism for the babies, here in Wisconsin, on December 1st. Megan and her family drove up from Tulsa, and Tony and Les drove up from Nashville. Tony asked a dear pastor friend of theirs to officiate, and the ceremony was held right here in our home. Joe’s, Lesleigh’s, and our family, along with some friends, all witnessed the most special day – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - a day filled with true joy, and God’s blessings.  

Throughout the fall semester, Tony had been contracted to work with the Madison Youth Choirs, so on December 8 and 9, they performed their concerts. Todd and I tag-teamed with Lesleigh’s mom and dad, and babysat for Theo so that the kids could perform, worry-free; that way, we could also each attend the alternate concert. Todd and I attended the Saturday night performance, which were all of the boys. It’s such a thrill for me to sit in the audience, and watch/listen as the impressive students sing and harmonize Tony’s music, bringing songs like “America to Go” and “Clenched Hands, Brave Demands” to new heights. On Sunday, Todd and I watched Theo in the auditorium’s “green room,” behind the stage. The live music was audible through speakers, so we technically heard the girls’ concert too. So much fun! Tony and Les hoped it might work out with Theo’s feedings that he make his debut, and meet some of their friends. Todd and I were happy to oblige, and took the baby to the lobby at the end of the concert for that purpose.

Over the course of the next week, we ended up purchasing a new (to us) car. Car shopping has changed considerably since 2009, which was the last time we actually bought. Browsing online certainly does save a lot of time. It’s also much easier to be sure you’re getting a price that’s “in the ballpark” of reasonable. We are now the proud owners of a 2016 GMC Acadia – charcoal color – 33,000 miles. It’s really (REALLY) nice, and has made a nice addition so far.

It was time for our attention to shift completely toward Christmas – shopping, wrapping, you name it. We spent Saturday (the 22nd) packing up (to the ceiling!) our Acadia. Todd and I were able to attend an early Christmas service at our church that evening, then head home and give our gifts to each other. Early on Sunday morning (the 23rd) we headed out for Nashville, where we’d all spend Christmas together at Tony and Lesleigh’s new house. Megan and her family arrived about five minutes after we did, and we all felt really excited to be there together.

One of my favorite parts of Christmas this year was when we all left the house, late in the afternoon on Christmas Eve, and attended church together as a family. We arrived early enough to secure seats for all nine of us: one set of grandparents, two sets of parents, a pre-schooler, and two infants. We sang some carols and heard a good message. I know this is going to be hard to believe, BUT… when we got back to the house, SANTA had come, and WOW! Was that ever exciting, as you can imagine!

As we opened gifts, the babies did their baby things: oooh’ed, cooo’ed, cried, ate, and slept. I must say it was pretty cool though when Todd and I gave Jake a Paw Patrol sweatshirt, and he wore it for the rest of the week. It’s a grandparent’s dream, isn’t it, that a child will like the clothing they’re given? Fun. The next day, as Tony and Lesleigh prepared a delicious Christmas meal, Tony pulled Jake aside and explained that Aunt Lesleigh had worked hard to make a nice dinner for us, and he would appreciate it if Jake would sit and eat nicely. The pep talk worked. The babies napped, and we all got to share good food and quiet conversation on the holiday. 

Some of you have traveled to Nashville, and have seen Tony perform in various clubs. Some of you have even waited on a Sunday night in that long line outside the Bluebird Cafe, hoping to make it through the door. But on December 27th, Todd and I were able to attend a truly awesome event at the Bluebird – one that allowed us to walk right in, and get seated at a table. Tony was given the opportunity to host a show, and could ask three other musicians to join him on stage for a “writer’s round.” For me, it was a night to remember. Tony opened the evening, and then each writer took a turn, explained their song, and then sang. Each one probably performed four or five. The whole room was laughing at times, clapping, singing… To be honest, I could not wipe the smile from my face, it was so much fun! Plus, Todd bought me a new t-shirt to commemorate the experience!  

We drove home in time to spend New Year’s Eve with our usual group, but then shortly after that, I came down with a terrible cough. It really never was a “cold,” but man, did I cough… for a month! It was really obnoxious because I felt “okay,” but became hesitant to leave the house because the cough was so harsh. February was brutal. Oh man… we thought it would never end; between the snow, the below-zero temps, the torrential rains that ended up freezing, and created literal ice-rinks of everyone’s driveways and yards. So many people fell and broke bones. My dad actually took a few tumbles himself, but did not get hurt. We teased him, saying he must have angels on each shoulder, but seriously, he MUST! The whole thing became scary - unreal. So glad spring is springing!

So now, here we are! Tony and Lesleigh had more work here in Wisconsin, so they visited us last week (mid-March). Theo is growing into such a little doll. He’s so wide-eyed and curious, and has such a sweet smile. The only time that the big, beautiful, wide eyes become a problem is when it’s nap or bed time. Sleeeeep, Theo, Sleeeeep….! Haha… Anyway… Tony worked with middle school children for part of last week, and Todd and I were able to attend the concert. Theo had just been fed, and sat on Todd’s lap throughout the whole hour-plus event. He made one little noise, so Todd stood up with him in the back of the auditorium, but never had to leave. All I can say is that Theo seems to truly have music in his soul. It quiets him and holds his interest, even when he’s fussy. Lesleigh always said that the baby would “dance” in her womb. He’s a mover and a shaker to this day – no doubt about it.

Our family hopes to all reunite again around Easter. Annie will be nine months, Theo will be six, and Jake will be (almost) four years old!!! We’re so enjoying watching our family grow and change. Grandparenthood seems to be suiting us juuuust fine…

Well, that explains a bit about where I’ve been. I hope to share more posts soon. My goal is to not let so much time lapse next time. Sooo… until then,

God’s Blessings!


Katie Kolberg Memmel is the author of three books: “From This Day Forward…” “Five Fingers, Ten Toes” and “Silly Stories and Sentimental Stuff.” To order her books, or for more information about her writing, visit her website at: