Friday, June 21, 2013

"Cheers!" to friends!

You remember the television show, “Cheers!” right? Sam, Diane, Carla, Cliffy, Nom...

(Hum along as I sing this old familiar tune. See if it jogs any memories…)
“…Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came… you want to go where people know troubles are all the same, you want to go where everybody knows your name…”
Sometimes I love this song’s concept. Sometimes I crave it. You know… the times that you walk into a place – it can be anywhere, not just a pub or bar – but a grocery store, bank, church, school, PTA meeting (although I didn’t actually attend many of those - oops…) – and people’s faces light up, you hear your name shouted, and someone waves, flags you down to sit with them… You feel welcomed, you feel loved, you know they want to talk with you, spend time with you.
But then there are the “other times” - the times you dread running into someone you know. Have you ever sung that same song, but used alternative words - maybe a little something like this? (Clears throat)
“…Sometimes you want to go where not one single person knows your name, and no one even knows you came… you want to go where people don’t know you have a trouble in the world, you want to go where nobody knows your name…”
A few weeks ago, I asked a question on my Facebook status.  “Why is it that whenever you look your absolute WORST, you run into absolutely EVERYone you know???!!!”  Answers ranged from “Oh no, what’s wrong?” to “…that’s just the way it is, some things will never change” to “Murphy’s Law dictates this to be the case.”  Good answers! For me, they’ve all rung true… especially that darn Murphy – he seems to get me every time!
Reasons for looking your worst in public, ultimately making you want to hide, can vary. Perhaps you worked all day. Maybe your boss gave you a good talking-to. Maybe you gave your boss a good talking-to. Maybe you ended up in the bathroom, angry, counting to ten, teary even. Maybe you put on your sunglasses before you left your desk so that your friends wouldn’t see your swollen, red, weepy eyes. (Note: As some of you may recall, when my daughter (“the baby”) left for college I wore my sunglasses at the grocery store for weeks.)
Here’s another possibility for looking your worst. Perhaps it was a 90-degree June Saturday and your husband decided it was an excellent time to dig a trench, or dig a hole, or dig a garden, or (fill in your own blank on the hot, sweaty yard work scenario – if you’re a homeowner, the possibilities are endless!). Or maybe it was the complete opposite… zero degrees and you just finished plowing snow and decided to ‘run to the store’ for a gallon of milk. Quick! Before the snow starts up again! The smell of snowblower gas hovers around you like a cloud – much like Charlie Brown’s friend, Pigpen. Icicles hang from the end of your nose like an abominable snow woman. And when they finally melt – well, it will look like you should blow your nose! Your winter hat has most graciously left an indented sweaty ring of curls that will not comb, will not fluff, will not tame, no matter what you try. (The Memmel’s affectionately refer to this condition as “hat hair.”) Somehow you are both freezing and sweating at the same time. How can that be, by the way?
Perhaps you’re feeling exhausted. Maybe no matter what you do, 3:30 a.m. seems to be your bewitching hour. You find yourself lying wide awake every night, calculating unpaid bills in your mind, wondering how many Wednesdays (paydays) there are in June. And no matter how you twist or finagle the math, you still come up $1,000 short – over and over till your alarm goes off.  Or maybe (still at the 3:30 hour) you think about what you “coulda”… No, “shoulda” said to so-n-so about such-n-such and privately vow to never let her or him get away with THAT type of comment EVER again! No wonder you’re dog tired by 7 a.m. So many problems, so little time.  
But then I got to thinking… Let’s just say that I’d had a disagreement at work and I was wearing my Foster Grants to hide “the windows to my soul.” (a fancy way of saying ‘eyes.’) If I ran into my friend, Linda, would she judge me, or would she be concerned? What if I actually confessed to her that I’d had a miserable day and that I didn’t know how I’d stand going back tomorrow… Would that be so bad, or would she actually understand because everybody’s got a little somethin’ to get through in their own lives every now and again?  
Or let’s say that I ran into Chris, and horror of horrors, I had an icicle dangling from my nose. Would she cross me off her friend list, never want to see me again? Or might she kindly reach into her purse, grab a tissue, and offer it to me saying, “Katie, you have an icicle dangling from your nose… were you plowing snow?”
So here’s what I’m thinking… Maybe we’re all a little bit hard on ourselves sometimes. Maybe everyone has these issues. If it’s zero degrees, then maybe it’s normal, even common, for people to have icicles attach to their faces.
Maybe the “Cheers!” song really does ring true.  “You want to go where people know troubles are all the same…” Maybe the times that we’re struggling are actually good times to get out there and experience our friends’ help.
Maybe…?  Sometimes… 

Katie Kolberg Memmel is the author of “Five Fingers, Ten Toes – A Mother’s Story of Raising a Child Born With a Limb Difference.” For more information on Katie and her book, go to her website at 



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