Happy Super Bowl Sunday!
Wind out of the north! Good to know! |
That said, I’ve noticed that people around here, in this
northern frozen tundra state of Wisconsin ,
do not dress properly, regardless of the forecast. Retailers (especially around
Christmastime) sell us truckloads of mittens and scarves, snow pants, coats and
boots… but do we WEAR them? Aaahhh!
Now there’s the question. I’m afraid
that the most honest answer I can give is, “Sometimes!”
For example, on a recent 8-degree morning at 6:00 a.m., Todd
zipped up his nice warm ski jacket, picked up his work paraphernalia, and
headed for the front door.
Do you have your hat and gloves?” I asked. “You said you
have to go to a job walk-through today.”
“Yes,” he said, “they’re in my truck.”
You see? It’s the “in my truck” that worries me. He has the proper gear, he just doesn’t use the proper gear. He’s warm from his
shoulders to his waist. Everything else freezes.
But I’m afraid that he’s not alone in this sort of
cold-weather folly. It’s rampant. I drove past a bus stop the other day, and
there was a teenage kid standing in the 18-degree wind, wearing no more than a
hoodie and a pair of SHORTS! Then
there are those who actually pull on their gloves, and button their coats.
Heck, they even flip up their collars! But because they don’t want to ‘mess up
their hair,’ they’d rather face the day bare-headed and shivering - their teeth
chattering away. But boy, ya gotta admit they look good! So that’s good!
(wink) Okay, and I’ll be totally honest. There are many days that I brave the
elements without my gloves, even though I carry them in my coat pockets! You
may be asking why I do that…? My only response is probably because it’s easier.
I. Don’t. Know!
Earlier today I decided to get a bit of fresh air before hunkering down to watch the big game. I glanced out my front window to see if our flag was blowing in the breeze, and if it was, which direction I’d need to be most mindful of the wind The sun was shining, and the sky was bright blue, but here in this neck of the woods, those seemingly perfect conditions can be quite deceiving.
I decided to get smart, and dress for the weather. I zipped
up my lightest winter jacket. I pulled on my knit cap, and
then pulled up my hood too, just to keep the cold wind off of my neck. I also
pulled the gloves from my jacket pocket, and actually put them on my hands! (A novel idea, I know!)
It was a wonderful winter walk! I wasn’t cold at all, not
even when I turned the corner and headed into the wind. I felt okay – better than okay. Hey! I may even walk again tomorrow! What an
idea! Dress for winter and it’s actually manageable!
Why oh why don’t we just use
the items that are in our closets, or in our trucks, or in our pockets? Perhaps that’s a question we’ll
answer another day.
As for today, are ya ready for some football???
Katie Kolberg Memmel is the author of two books: “Five Fingers, Ten
Toes – A Mother’s Story of Raising a Child Born with a Limb Difference,” and
“Silly Stories and Sentimental Stuff.” Both are available through Amazon as
electronic and paperback versions. For more information, visit her website at www.katiekolbergmemmel.com
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