Monday, May 14, 2018

Video - Yes? No? Maybe so...?

Well, Good Morning, and welcome to Katie’s View... 

It’s not often that I write a blog post bright and early on a Monday morning, but… when the urge comes upon me, I feel I have no choice but to roll with it.

I wanted to share an idea with you, and ask your opinions about something that happened. Last week, I was talking with my son, Tony, on the telephone. He asked me how my book sales for From This Day Forward… were going, and I filled him in. He congratulated me, and then said, “Mom, you should do a video, and announce the book to your readers in a new way.”  I’m guessing you already know what I was thinking - he’d lost me at the word, “video.” I laughed, and as I recovered, told him I was relatively sure he was wrong, and that I would not be doing that.

Later that day, I was talking with my daughter, Megan, and she also asked me how things were going with the new book. She congratulated me, and then said, “Mom, you should do a video, and announce the book to your readers in a new way.” … Yeah… I swear… you just can’t make this stuff up, right? Again, I laughed, and as I recovered, told her I was relatively sure she was wrong, and that I would not be doing that.

But their reactions, so similar, did give me a moment’s pause. Both of the kids run their own businesses. Many of you know that Tony is a professional musician, living in Nashville. Videos are an excellent way for him to share his new music, some old favorites, along with helpful information and thoughts on various topics.  Megan also runs a business out of her home. She often hosts ‘live sales’ where she shows customers her clothing line in a format where people can better see colors, sizes, and freely ask her their questions.

Hmmm… Is it possible that my children, each unprompted by the other, could be right…??? I decided to open my mind and let their idea sink in.

Over the weekend, I experimented with the video camera on my phone. The kids mentioned that recording outside can be too noisy, what with whooshing wind or nature noises; so for now, I avoided that. I positioned myself against a variety of backdrops to see what might be camera-worthy.

Once I felt more brave, I cleared my throat, and actually said, “Hello!” Yikes! Am I alone when I say that hearing one’s own voice can be a very weird experience? And yet, I must tell you I overcame my fear, and recorded several versions of some of the ideas I wanted to convey to you all. In the end, I had a lot of fun with the project, and actually loosened up enough to crack a joke or two. Oh boy… sounds like trouble with a capital T, doesn't it…?

So now, dear readers, I must ask you the burning question. What do you think about this idea? Would you like to see an example of what I’m talking about? Would you like to see and hear from me, occasionally?

Leave me a note, and tell me your opinion. The only favor I ask is that you be kind. You don’t have to like the idea, but please go easy on me. I do look forward to reading your responses.

Have a great week! Oh, and as always, Happy Reading!

Katie Kolberg Memmel is the author of three books: “From This Day Forward…” “Silly Stories and Sentimental Stuff,” and “Five Fingers, Ten Toes – A Mother’s Story of Raising a Child Born with a Limb Difference.” All are available as either a paperback or electronic version. Links to each, along with more information, can be accessed via her website: 

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